It’s been quite a ride here lately! Time for the roadmap to define our relationships from within, even those that are toxic and those that last a lifetime.
If you’ve had moments (or stretches) of feeling like “too much” lately, or you’re feeling stretched beyond where you’ve been, or you’re shedding relationships…
You’re in good company. Everyone’s in it.
This period is asking us to be in better and more harmonious relationships – beginning with our relationship with OURSELF. Being kind to ourself means we no longer allow ourself to be awkward and limited so other people are comfortable.
Our relationships affect our health and happiness. The problem is that we’re never taught about morals or how to seek, create, nurture, and assess our relationships the same way we do our careers and financial investments.
Unfortunately the damage of toxic relationships on ourselves and our society truly adds up.
The relationships many of us grew up around and might consider “normal” are in fact dysfunctional, creating a negative cycle we most often don’t even realise we’re in.
We should seek within ourselves the right way or rule of moral conduct. The rule of conduct which is discovered outside of man and does not derive directly from human nature is not true. – Confucius
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Normally we would always encourage you to eliminate selfishness, but as with everything there is an exception, when it comes to protecting and creating your space we must focus on ourselves first. Is that truly selfishness or allowing space and attention to our own learning?
So how can we find good love, create good relationships, and keep them?
Surely we all agree that our own unique journey defines us, but most importantly the people through those journeys. Once we grasp our limiting beliefs, and how to reprogram our shareware connections life as you know will start to show up in the most obvious ways…. remember this!!!
Working with incredible men and women the past 20+ years made us realise that generally our “picking” has crumbled. Most probably firstly comes form loneliness and envy, and secondarily the illusionary world around us been churned and turned to feel like that…are we addicted to ideologies?
Surely we can all relate to some sorts of traumas and anxious attachment programmed from childhood that led us to seek romantic love from people who weren’t the right match. Hence dealing with these unconscious neglects to be intentional when looking for love and connection it is a number one thing to face our feelings and comprehend, then act on them with intentions.
We also talk about representing ourselves accurately right from the start of any kind of relationships, despite our human tendency to escape our pains and concerns over time as we get to perceive someone.
We have combined our affection and dedication for serving people connect with delving on healthy relationships and the ancient art of intentional incense. It’s different from any other solutions out there, based purely on YOU who is the key solution to all. It’s a revolution in honest, raw, and a safe space and we think it’s going to help a lot of YOU.
Fostering authentic relationships is a key area of our health most of us don’t put real time and attention towards. I hope this conversation inspires you to change that, to find the most incredible connections the universe has for you. You just need to ask.
Relationships can feel complicated. We often go into them looking for others to accomplish whatever we refuse to offer ourselves. We want our unmet needs to be met by this other person, without doing the inner work to help ourselves.
Owning our needs actually makes it easier for other people to meet our needs. This sounds counterintuitive, but it’s one of those breakthroughs that can really turn toxic relationship patterns around.
Please hear me out.
When it comes to failed relationships or even sexual challenges, we can be pretty hard on ourselves. But these are two major areas of life we are never really taught how to succeed in.
Nervous system disregulation is a common issue in negative relationship patterns, sexual dysfunction, and an overall feeling of unhappiness or anxiety. When we get comfortable being in our bodies and honouring our feelings, we can improve all of these issues and more. Many says that incense is the missing key to their inner work.
How incense therapy can enhance our bodies immensely by addressing the airways, mind, emotions, and spirit in unique ways, as it has in countless ancient medical systems.
Its use as a traditional preventative medicine used for immunity boosting, air cleansing, and respiratory strengthening.
Its ability to uplift the mood, enhance cognitive function and memory, and balance the emotions and much much more.
Lastly we must mention, incense is the #1 universal enhancer of rituals, ceremony, prayer, meditation and sacred practices, and is used extensively for sensory pleasure, enjoyment, deep relaxation, inner peace and greater connection.
Creating maximum harmony within our life can be achieved by the art of placement and arrangement within one’s environment. Otherwise known as Feng-Shui from ancient China. By looking within our mental make-up first we can start at the root, and creating constructing evolution.
Recalled my consulting days of Feng Shui and realised how profound and overwhelming a make over of our home space can feel after a transformation by creating the new, the change. I recall my clients used to mention the dread. The panic. The shame when I was moving their personal space. This in itself was a priceless experience, being able to receive impactful news and revolutionary shifts shortly after.
So when I was first trying to combine all my experience to our love product I wasn’t sure how to translate all what I do and did for the past 20 years…..reminding you by some of my toxic relations I did nothing worthwhile…by I knew one day my time will shine. So know I know that was all fed from their expectations. Surely didn’t serve me and frankly didn’t serve them. However as we all have belonging affairs just as my clients faced it I had to too.
We embrace the idea of self reflection, asking oneself how people make us feel; Did we like them? What did they mean to us? How did they make us feel? Why hadn’t we parted with it sooner?
There is a field beyond our thoughts and beliefs. It’s referred to as “The Quantum,” or the realm of possibility. Ancient healers from cultures the world over knew that we were more than our ability to think, and knew the importance of accessing, and tending to these other dimensional layers of our being, like our emotional and energetic bodies.
You are so much more than just this physical body, and the density of the default thoughts that keep you hooked into a story of “There’s Something Wrong With Me,” or “I’m Not Good Enough” or “Bad.”
I will ALWAYS remind you There is NOTHING wrong with you!
And you are absolutely more than the stories you tell yourself. But how would we know it if our belief field is full of fear, limitation and doubt?! Especially if the people around us are also living in that same field of doubt, scarcity, and fear?
“The field” is a boundless container for your potentiality, where the soul’s infinite wisdom exists. It’s beyond ego or striving. It’s obscure and undefinable, but undeniable to all who find themselves accessing a place of clarity, remembrance, and a hidden web of connection where you know you belong.
And it isn’t until you step into a field of consciousness, vitality and connection that your super nature reveals itself.
So we arrived to Celestial Thyme Intentional Incense Ritual. Being able the opportunity to combine my ever growing affection of Ayurveda, Planetary Herbalism, Flower Remedies, Feng Shui and Bioenergetics was something I dreamt about. In that right moment all just sparked and made sense. Incense was the calling.
Since the universe keeps assuring us about this dear creation. The miracle exceeded anything we would have thought it is possible. The relationships that founded and finding us along the journey inspiring us daily. So we decided to recreate my “old” version of consult quiz for you as a powerful tool that will lead you and support you along your journey. Showing you what’s happening to you in a present moment and what you can achieve in the next. Manifest and create YOURS by using our intentional incenses if you wish, but at least pin point the lack of happiness.
Well, we left this for the end, but this is the kind of thing you should do before (re)creating loving relationships. PURIFY the home energy, PROTECT yourself and SHIFT to find what serves you.
Be intelligent and you may consider to remove from your space objects that doesn’t serve you anymore.
It’s an expensive tip, but if you shared a bed with this person, the ideal thing to do is to replace it (otherwise his/her energy will remain in place).
We reap daily what we saw…..therefore the focus spot of righteousness stays with you. We wish you can all discover the powerful tool of our quiz and in fact embrace it to its full potential.
Dive deep into it here.
Wishing you healthy relationships and peace from within,
There is no better gain in this world that could equal the excellence of virtue. – Aristotle