For me personally running two businesses and unschooling myself along my tribe has me on my devices much more, than I would have ever imagined I would be.
My path to healing; the plants have been calling me back to them for a while now to nourish my own connections I’ve developed with them over the years.
Our realm has us all spending more time at home. Furthermore has opened up the door for us to enjoy the big Aussie outdoor, into the bush and meadows to be with the plants one-on-one and be where our heart and essence enjoys the most. Personally, my sense of being feels more alive and the experience of natures dynamic nourishes my raw spirit. Would not swap this for any convenience of comfort.
Yes, truly this convenience can create boundaries, that prevent us plant people from going into the wilderness where the magic awaits us, spending time with plants, and harvesting our medicines with our own hands.
A lot of people are missing out on touching, smelling, and immersing themselves in the green world of the plants. Consequently inspires feelings of sacredness, deeper meaning and understanding. Our real-life experience of a living plant imprints within our hearts a lasting impression, that can become our personal medicine and wisdom.
We have established personal relationships with our local plants to learn their wisdom for ages to maintain optimal health, provide nourishment, for pleasure, and for maintaining spiritual health. But we seem to have forgotten that basic common sense kinds a folk medicine. For our ancestors, nature was their classroom. I am actually a giant advocate to return to this humble classroom.
Embodying nature in the first place, the cathedral of the plants, puts us in a totally different state of mind than when we’re learning about plants through a computer screen or reading words on a page. The act of going out to meet a plant in the wilderness tethers you to the Earth, strengthens your roots, feeds your spiritual connection to nature, and gives you real-life connection a book can’t ever offer you by itself.
There’s nothing like going out to be with a plant, absorbing all the information you can about it through your senses and observation, meditating with it, and then taking a part of it home to burn as incense or make into medicine.
Now in Summer when the abundance of plants and flowers are thriving in our own local habitat, then the medicine from that plant has the potential to help us thrive in that moment, more so than other plants that aren’t in season, or that grow a great distance from us. The native plants growing around us are often the most potent and easily integrated medicine for us.
Incense is a plant medicine that fills the air; the original aromatic medicine.
It is the traditional roots of modern aromatherapy, and gave rise to all other aromatic arts. The path of incense crafting requires creativity, intuition, precision and passion, but it’s a skill that’s accessible to all. All you need is a willingness to dedicate your time and energy into cultivating it.
To clarify MEDICINAL SMOKE is certainly not smudging.
Those days are flown where incense was used only for the smell of ambience.This strong fragrance was mostly the cause and affect of the usage of chemicals, fillers, and perfumes.
Today you can more easily find brands that support sustainability, ethically source and produce their products, and are using traditional practices.
Used for centuries, “incense” is actually derived from the Latin word for “to burn”. Its usages have included repelling negative spirits or omens, a component of various religious ceremonies, a tool to counteract bad odours, and positively altering your mindset or mood. In the vedic tradition they specified it more as their therapeutic value. In Ayurveda we find an entire branch of ‘Dhoompana’ medicine, which literally means smoking. This botanical medicinal grade blends been passed down through thousands of years to kind a smoke out the illness.
At Celestial Thyme we developed our range for you to receive almost -if not the same results, with the daily routine of lighting our wildcrafted intentional incense rituals.
To emphasise the many different esoteric and magical aspects of natural incense, many crafters take the timing of crafting incense into consideration.
Some of us craft according to the seasons, equinoxes and solstices, while others consider astrology, lunar cycles, and planetary alignments. We combine all mentioned and by adding another layer through the devine calling of our evolutionary journey we must proceed with a delicate rhythm for crafting; the time of day, our sacred space where we blend our incense and most importantly our mindset we’re in when blending, since our energy can affect the energy of the plants and the resulting medicinal aromatic energetics.
For us here at CT HQ we are in a harvesting mode through the summer months so we can start our biggest season of crafting when magical Autumn aligns with energy focused inward.
At the moment is copious with heat and full of passion, excitement, and energy, and when Autumn comes around, there’s usually more time to slow down, breathe and integrate all of the inspiration that Summertime stirred up.
Loose incense is often a balanced mixture of aromatic plants, fragrant hardwoods, and sticky fresh resins. In addition to their sweet, uplifting aromas, the resins can also act as glue, helping to create a granola-like consistency, creating small chunks throughout the mixture.
This is an ancient form of incense widespread throughout nearly every culture before the invention of the stick and cone. As with single herbs and resins, loose incense is burned on hot charcoal. Each pinch of loose incense varies slightly in its aromas as it burns, creating a perpetually dynamic aromatic experience.
Intentional Incense ritual is an ancient art that builds the pathways for you to connect with aromatic plant medicine, healing, imagination, and magic.
As a receiver, you’ll begin to notice how your relationships to the natural world start to strengthen and expand in many directions. You’re bound to discover new creativity, insights, and inspiration as you begin, or continue down your path of this sacred art.